In fact, it’s telling that so many of the American films that deal with the subject do so from the vantage point of a “smutty” comedy (leaving stuff like “ Kids” aside for a moment). Really it’s a screenwriter’s dream-an (almost) universally relatable life-stage conundrum (in the Western world, anyway) that is ripe with potential for misunderstandings, social embarrassment and awkwardness, and that’s just within the more comedic end of the spectrum. With seemingly another R-rated comedy released every week, (this week’s being “ The To Do List” starring Aubrey Plaza, opening this Friday, read our review here), The First Time has become increasingly well-trafficked territory, and it’s not hard to see why.
And even if you were to try very hard to expunge the memory, Hollywood will do its best to keep on reminding you anyway. You never forget your first time, they say.